Harikatha is a composite art form comprising of story telling, poetry, music, drama, dance, and philosophy. Any Hindu religious theme may be the subject for the Harikatha. During its peak Harikatha was a popular medium of entertainment, which helped transmit cultural, educational and religious values to the masses.
Due to the fast growint cinema and its accepting in the public made the old customed , traditional entertainments like " harikadha , burrakada, stage dramas , tolubommalata, janapada natyamu " ete are faded out in the society.
There are many Harikadha Haridas are present ... here I mentioned a few ...
‘Harikatha Pitamaha’ Adibhatla Narayana Dasu, who was the pioneer of Harikatha and wrote and sung many Harikathas during the 19th century Belogs to Srikakulam dist (Now bifercated to Vizianagaram dist)

Sri Adibhatla Narayana Das an eminent Hari Kadha Gaana kokila , born in Ajjada village of Vizianagaram dist. He was the first (Pradhama Acharulu) of Music College, Vizianagaram. He was famous for his Hari Kadha Gaanam even from his education (Matriculation) and acquired profound knowledge Parish Sanskrit, Arabi and English. He sang "Sri Krishna Janma" HariKadha in Sanskrit and explained in Hindi to the audience at Calcutta. He was appreciated by Rabindra Nadha Tagore for his excellency in Hari Kadha.
1. M . Shivadandashi (Chapara),

*He has been in this field for the last 15 yrs. . usee to tour many villages arroud Srikakulam dist. to show his harikadha talents . He gave some shows in kalkata , Berahampur, Titlaghar and he participated in 'Annamayya laksha Gala sankeertana ' program in Hyderabad .
2. Bhagavataarini - Vijayalakshmi ,

*She is daughter of Bonta prasadarao , belogs to and living in Srikakulam town . She is the only female Harikadha Artist in the Srikakulam dist. and has been in this field for the last 40 yrs. She has given many showe all over the Andhrapradesh State and got many awards like .. ganakokila , natyamayuri, in the field of Harikadha Art.
3. Landa Latchayya ,

* Latchayya belongs to Bejjiputtuka of Uddanam area of Srikakulam dist . He has been in this field for the last 30 years . He participate in Harikadha Exibitiona of Tirupathi , Guntur , Hyderabad . He has give some in doordarsan(T.V) , Akasavani (radio) and many public shows through TTD Dharmaprachara parishath . He is awarded with many awarda like Sumadhura , sudhagaana kovida , Harikadaha sudhakara .. etc.
4. Mahareddy Srinavasarao ,

* Mahareddy Srinivasarao belogs to Old Tekkali Town of Srikakulam dist . He has 25 yrs of experience in this Harikadha art shows . He toured and exibited many shows in places like Delhi , Orissa , and he got first prize in "Tekkali Saamskritikostavam" during 1991.
5. Busaka rangarao ,

* He is residing in Srikakulam town and he has been in this field since 1972 . He is a good singer and Harikadha artist , worked as Tresuary Officer in dist treasury and retired. He gave many harikadha shows in A.P.state and out side the state for telugu people. He got awarsa like " Harikadha gaanaratna " , Madhura kadhanidhi" etc.
6. B. Yathiraju ,

* He belongs to kusumPuram village and ferformed about 3000 shows arround Srikakulam dist and all over the State and in Andaman Nicobar Islands . He is expert in " Bhakta Shiriyala" , Prameelarjuneeyam" ,Subhadra parinayam . Many of his family members are in this fiels. He also participated in many program of harikadha in Doordarsan (T.V) and Akasavanai(radio).
7. Enni Ramam ,

* He worked as Sanitary inspector in Srikakulam muncipality and to his interest learned Harikadha from Busaka Rangarao . He has been in this field for the last 15 yrs. He is more sweet in " Seetharama Jananamu " ,"Seetha kalyanamu " and he was felicitated with awards and certificates by many Cultural Associationas of Srikakulam dist .
8. Mugili Venkatanarayana ,

* He Belongs to Anguru village of Srikakulam dist. He learned Harikadha art from Seetharamamurty Bhagavatar and given many harikadha shows all over the Andhra and in other states . He is expert in Story Telling to the common audience
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